Wednesday, November 26, 2008

When i'm located at the wrong side of the Universe again

Everything c0ming back again
I need to change
change back to the universe that belongs to me
where i SHOULD be alone
--or pls advise me where do i belong--
maybe it will make me live better
with the intention to build friendships again
Everyone is moving on
I'm happy for them
To have the courage to get what they wanted
but i'm the exception
don't know why...
just felt it, and i knew it
Not just not getting what i wanted
but not knowing what i wanted
It just seems like i'm doing every bits
without my loves and interest towards it
Although it might be said is useful
or probably good prospect etc etc
But still.... it doesn't perks me up!
Always me who stands at the minority path
even the test taken... it PROVED!
I need an ASIMO!!
i need it... no matter he /she
I want to burst whatever to it
i wonder could it respond to me?
i wonder~~
at least i have someone to talk to when i lonely
treat me fairly, do things for me
and leave others to move on on their way
while i go my way
and that suited me i think
If Only & Only if i owned one

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Backup F**** Anyone??

I dont want to be... ...
I dont want care more than that
'Seeking for one when lonesome falls upon
Forgetting one when newbies comes around'
Silence was chosen when this was happening
The silence was buried and remain unveil... ...
When everything being suited
The seeking comes back and feeling neglected
Without considering the root,
Conclusion was made and thinking oneself as a victim
This has revoke the silence within
but still... it remain SILENT
Through thin air, it trigger the senses.
As said:
Let it be...
Let them think what they think
Where the THINK that console them as a victim

I dont want to be... ...
I dont want to care more than that
Strange and weird
Being the minority
Again ... Silence was chosen
It shouldnt be that way
I wonder
----Was i???----
-------Why would they???-----
----Should i???----
No longer predictable
These question will never be answered
Day by day,
Zero is what i owned
but the 'uncountable' ... is what i get

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mengelut dengan MASA

Sekian lama tunggu, saya minta maaf ya...
Ini adalah untuk balas post YanZ..
Tahulah kini tengah mengelut dengan CW dan soalan tutorial
jadi saya ni pun makin kekurangan masa.

Sekarang dah memasuki zon tengah di sem kedua ni
Aku makin bergelabah dan makin takut
walaupun tahu akan kesusahannya
tapi ku tidak mengertinya and tidak cuba menghalangnya
Ku melanggar diriku ke arahnya
Entah situasiku pada hujung jalan
Masih hidup ke? atau sudah nyawa-nyawa ikan?

Masa pula tidak memyebelahiku
ia makin lari makin cepat
langsung tidak beri peluang untuk ku untuk melangkauinya
Ia tidak memerlukan masa untuk meneruskan perjalanannya
Tapi aku PERLUKAN!!!

Nampaknya, aku perlu mengelut bukan sahaja dengan pelajaranku
Tetapi pula dengan masa, dengan... ... ...

Masalah-masalah lain~~~

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

p0litic-ing effects!!!

The world is facing financial crisis,
While Pamela is suffering mood crisis.

Seriously speaking,
i really having a bad bad moments
I really hope i can get away from it
but it would never be...
unless i am financially independent

It's all about 'F&D' issues
It been involving arguments and dissappointment
The politic-ing is giving some effects now
although it's been hiding and gradually deteoriating for years
I cant stand the stupidity and dumbness
and ,aNd, AND!!!!
I had to voice0ut!!!

i'm not afraid nor fear
i'm mentally ready for it
it just i wanted to make issue more clarified
But it just not reversing the effects of the issue that have been created by nosy people
These people have nothing else better on earth to do
They just LOVE driving people into deep shit
Let's be seated and see what M0RE ^creative^ issue to be done by them----cruel creature

我不知从哪里得到的勇气, 也不知从何处得到的冲动.
我出声了, 气了, 流泪了,抖了, 甚至容忍及悔过.
这次不是为了伤心, 而是不甘心!
容忍到了限度, 纸包不了火啊!

但,为了怕怕, 也曾经悔过

想哭的感觉一直反反复复, 但泪水不流
是眼泪干透了? 还是泪根本不直得一流?

Please wake up!!! i urge you...
You have been victims for years
But you didnt realized
And you make us a victims too... ... ...