Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Seize the Opportunity

Second post in a row...
Well, hehe, it could be said to 'replaced' the missing posts when i'm away from here..

"People guess, people grudge, people grumbble"

Hmmm... ... ...

Complicated i guess.. Guessing game is never been easier.. Emotional get involved and affects own feelings..while Outright is never also been simpler..It takes courages!

So, which to choose?

I've seen people taking courages, and failures could just met up with them, how hurtful and discouraging and somewhat scracthing each others feeling and ended up loosing faith and trust..

While Guessing is just the opposite, but the impact would doubled on one side and making things unclear and is long term..

i know this would not be easily gotten over or rather ever-solved... i guess is NEVER though... I could do nothing about it, say nothing about it, nor think anything about it, although i'm one of the stakeholders here.. I 'll just be the passive stakeholder..

Yea, passive stakeholders as i in these situation is not directly involved in any of the matters, but rather being affected by it...Mentally affected... ... ...and mostly cover by fear, then when fear overcomed, stress comes by, then lastly, anger~

000ooooo.. How annoying is that!

"I knew these would never be Over"